Tuesday 9 November 2010

Laughter's the best medicine!

Hello Blog Fans,

As you may know:

a) I had knee surgery yesterday


b) I love a blog project, a blogject if you will, to pass the time.

Sooo, I'm issuing a challenge to you all. I want to find the funniest/cheesiest/silliest/most pun filled get well soon card in the world! Think you know where it is? Poundland? The Post Office? Online?

Well just email me at pinktheatrebunny@hotmail.com and I'll give you the address to send it to. Humorous messages from yourself inside will earn you extra points! E-cards are also acceptable, send to the same address.

If you need any encouragement (apart from the fact that you'll be cheering me up), all cards will be blogged about and the best will win a PRIZE!

So, let the card sending begin and I hope to amuse you all soon

Zo x x x

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